What To Do Right Now
Work is a system influenced by people, politics, and society. What’s happening in politics and the world can’t be ignored.
We are products of our culture.
Politics impact companies. Politics impact the relationship and dependence one has with their employer. Politics impacts emotional + mental health, access to opportunity, biases, and belief systems. Politics impacts what’s accepted as okay, as a societal norm, and what’s not.
When companies avoid politics, they deny their impact on work systems and individuals.
Individuals are being told that they don’t have the inherent right to personal autonomy and privacy. There’s a lot more on the line; the uncertainty of that will surely weigh on folks.
Avoiding politics doesn’t make those things less real. People feel them and will feel the ripple effects. It’s well-known that company policies affect company cultures; the same is true on a larger scale. The policies of the USA affect the culture𑁋what people talk and care about, what they praise, who has opportunities, and who doesn’t.
Overturning Roe v. Wade was an intentional move to undermine other rulings𑁋ones that protect the freedom to use conception, same-sex marriage, and interracial marriage. SCOTUS…